The cry of gender-benders will ultimately only be satisfied by getting to know the One who "created them male and female."
In this age of gender-bending, and efforts to insure equality among women and men, it may be very counter-culture to express gratitude for the distinct differences between male and female. (Free photo via Pixabay)
But I—a woman—am very thankful for this creative expression from God's heart and His hands.
I would never want to lessen any hard-fought achievements made by suffragettes such as Susan B. Anthony and the like. I'm not calling into question any equality of rights, or of pay, or certainly of respect.
Instead, I would just like to highlight the simple-yet-complex characteristics of contradistinction that make our two genders unique. And which can—with the heart God intended—become beautifully congruent and harmonious.
After 30-plus years of marriage (like most couples, not always easy), I feel that I've gained a great deal of respect for the opposite gender, and have also grown in appreciation for that of my own.
Any good psychologist will tell you that men and women think differently and process things in contrasting ways. This is certainly God's design and intention.
When respect is maintained, these polar perspectives can become complimentary.
This is not to say that my husband and I don't have difficulty relating to one another's positions on occasion—we're human and that's a reality that is going to happen.
But I'm not threatened by my husband's "maleness," I have come to appreciate it. And I have come to realize that my perspective alone would be a narrow one, and likely somewhat short-sighted without the addition of his input.
My "female-ness" is also not threatened by the Word of God and the Gospel, as some women seem to be. In fact, the respect that Jesus showed to women as described in the New Testament was revolutionary in a time when their gender received little recognition, if any.
The vessels God spoke through and used for His glory and His plans, included women all throughout the Old Testament.
And what a privilege God has given women to actually carry another life—another little person—inside their bodies and bring them into the world!
Today we see the gender-bending trend being pushed and promoted all around the world, even among the very young.
I personally find the whole concept very tragic, as it seems to me its root is a soul crying out for acceptance and love.
That cry will ultimately only be satisfied by getting to know the One who "created them male and female"; by having a relationship with God who knows each of our hearts better than we know ourselves.
I'm forever grateful that the Lord, the One who created me, knows MY heart—even when I'd rather hide from Him out of shame. (Photo: Aimee and husband David)
In the end, He created my heart. He knows me inside and out, and He loves me, and what's more—because of what Jesus did—nothing will separate me from His love.
This sets me free to be who I was created to be: a woman, a mother, a partner to my husband without fear.
And for that I'm very grateful!
*This article first appeared in Breaking Christian News.