Thursday, October 3, 2024

NC Flooding: This Family's Account of Hope in the Midst of Tragedy Will Build Your Faith

 "We were on the roof, and I considered at that moment that we were at our 'safe point.' So I took a picture, because at that point I still had service ... I thought we were ok still, until the house broke apart, and everything started to collapse..." -Meghan Drye

(Asheville, NC) — [Breaking Christian News] Meghan Drye lost her 7-year-old son and parents in North Carolina's flooding caused by Hurricane Helene. (Screengrab image: via Jessica Drye Turner /Fox Weather)

A local Fox TV station spoke with her and her sister in a riveting interview that is both heartbreaking and yet uplifting as Meghan shares how her family's strong faith in the Lord is carrying her through this tragedy.

"My grief today is unfathomable, I feel broken but ... I think that all the chain of prayers that I have felt are the things that held me up, are the things that are holding me together right now," Meghan explained when asked how she was dealing with her grief. "If it was up to my humanly flesh I wouldn't be able to do it," she added.

Meghan then told the Fox hosts what happened, "We were on the roof, and I considered at that moment that we were at our 'safe point.' So I took a picture, because at that point I still had service ... I thought we were okay still, until the house broke apart, and everything started to collapse.

"In that moment I was terrified, but all I thought about was being a mom and keeping my son safe and reassuring him that this is how superheroes are made—we survive, and we keep going." (Screengrab image: via Fox Weather)

Meghan was joined in the interview by one of her two sisters, Heather Kephart, who spoke about the immense prayer network that was initiated as Meghan sent texts from the roof where they were holed-up, and her other sister Jessica Drye Turner posted updates on her Facebook page; until "things went dark" from Meghan.

"Our sister, Jessica went into 'action mode' and started calling on the only hope that we have: prayer. And that network came through like we have never seen, it's such a blessing to our family—all the people, all the responders, all around the world ... prayed for us and our family," recalled Heather.

"And I have to say ... I was stuck there in the water for a very long time," added Meghan, who was in the flooded river for 5 hours, "I was held down by roots and trees and in that moment—in the midst of the chaos, all I heard was God telling me to 'be still, and to stop fighting the water.' That was Him, but that was prayer that told me to ... let the water carry me to where I needed to be, to be rescued."

Then the Fox hosts asked Meghan about Micah, her 7-year-old son who perished in the flooding, along with her parents.

"I'm so proud of my son because in those last moments he wasn't screaming for me, he was screaming, 'Jesus, Jesus save me. Jesus I hear You, Jesus I'm calling upon You.' ... Everything he wanted to be was a superhero. That was his goal in life, and in a sense he's my hero. Because he reached for something past flesh, past human, past anything that I think even grown adults would reach for, and he called out to the One God Almighty. And I think in that moment he was rescued, and he became my hero ... he was the bravest, smartest, hopeful ... I couldn't have asked for a better son. He was so happy up to that moment when he was screaming for Jesus, and I think in that moment he found joy." (Screengrab image: via Fox Weather)

At that point in the interview one of the Fox hosts broke down weeping, as she too is a mother of a 7-year-old.

Heather, Meghan's sister began telling about their parents, and how they instilled faith in their children from the start:

"Since the time that we could talk, in our little southern accents, they taught us Bible verses. My dad had a big piece of cardboard, and for every Bible verse we memorized, he gave us a star. And those verses—to this day—are in our hearts and our minds. And I think they wouldn't want us to do anything else in this moment but to give honor and glory to Jesus Christ," said Heather.

"And one verse in particular, Micah 6:8," added Meghan, as she and her sister recited it together, "He has shown you o man what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God."

The loss the three sisters share is deep, but deeper still is the love of the Lord, and the way He upholds His children through the tragedies of life.  

I encourage our readers to Click Here to watch this heart wrenching, but faith-filled interview, and to pray for this sweet family. 

(This article first appeared on Breaking Christian News)

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Apple Thinks Men Have Babies; Latest Update Includes a 'Pregnant Man' Emoji

 Truth has never been such a rare commodity!

If it wasn't described as the "pregnant man" emoji, in Apple's latest iOS update, most iPhone users would have likely seen it as a "beer-belly guy" and laughed it off. (Screengrab image)

But the most recent addition to the iPhone emoji inventory echoes the deep-end dive of woke ideology into the pool of complete denial of reality.

"...Apple has made available the 'pregnant man', 'pregnant person' and other gender-neutral emojis to all the iPhone users," states an NDTV report. "The feature was rolled out with iOS 15.4 update, Fox News reported. It further said that Apple had rolled out the update back in March, and updated it in the fresh release. In total Apple has released 35 new emoticons, adding pregnant emoji, as well as gender-neutral 'person with crown' emoji to go alongside the king and queen."

It's one unfortunate thing for an unhappy or insecure person to become misled and persuaded by current leftist culture, buying into the whole trans movement. But perhaps even worse are the ones who perpetuate the fantasy—knowing deep down that it's utterly false—just to be "politically correct."

Truth has never been such a rare commodity!

But maybe the 'pregnant man' or 'pregnant person' emoji addition has gone a step too far?

According to the NDTV report, a Twitter user commented on the rollout, raising some interesting questions, "So as everybody knows the new emojis are in a pregnant man [...] so abortion isn't only a woman's issue any longer? It's not women's healthcare? Men can have abortions [too]?"

While I'll admit many women, myself included, have at times wished their opposite gender could really understand the magnitude of carrying and birthing a child, we don't abandon the facticity that only biological females can become pregnant and give birth.

So, if I may borrow a phrase from Susan Powter, can we please... "Stop the insanity!"

(This article first appeared on Breaking Christian News)

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

University Teaching Student Suspended for Stating This Basic Biological Fact

Good for you, Owen Stevens, we need more individuals who have the courage to stand up and speak the truth; “the emperor has nothing on at all!” and, there are only two genders: male and female.

Remember Hans Christian Andersen's folk tale "The Emperor's New Clothes"? An emperor was given a new suit to wear which consisted of nothing at all, but was told how beautiful it was, so he wore it (nothing) before all his subjects. (Screengrab image)

In fear of being labeled a dissident, the people went along with the ruse, heaping praise for the Emperor's new clothes—all except a child, who innocently pointed out the truth—the monarch was wearing nothing at all.

In light of a recent headline from Daily Wire, I was immediately reminded of this classic parable.

Education student, Owen Stevens was suspended, according to the report by Chrissy Clark, for his lack of sensitivity in his online teaching videos which simply state the biological truth—backed by science—that "a man is a man and a woman is a woman."

Stevens was reprimanded by the Dean of State University of New York (SUNY) who claimed that his "public position is in conflict with the Dignity of All Students Act requiring teachers to maintain a classroom environment protecting the mental and emotional wellbeing of all students."

He was reportedly ordered to take down his Instagram videos, "tone down" his social media presence and attend "school-sanctioned training."

Stevens told the Daily Wire that he has refused to "take part in 're-education' training."

Good for you, Owen Stevens, we need more individuals who have the courage to stand up and speak the truth; "the emperor has nothing on at all!" and, there are only two genders: male and female.

And to SUNY's dean, what about the mental and well-being of those students that see the facts and choose to speak and live according to reality and truth?

Isn't their well-being at risk if they're told they cannot hold this view?

For the record, a spokeswoman for SUNY said in a statement to the Daily Wire, "SUNY Geneseo respects every student's right to freedom of speech and expression. By choosing to enter into certain professional fields, students agree to abide by the professional standards of their chosen field. At times, these professional standards dictate that students act and behave in certain ways that may differ from their personal predilections."

I always thought science was pretty much apolitical, however, now apparently even those teaching scientific facts are told to ignore them for the sake of political correctness.

If not they will be "re-educated."

Unfortunately, this is not just one university, but this damaging ideology is being implemented in school districts across the nation. (A great reason for parents to homeschool if they can)

We're living in a time when what is false is being paraded as truth, and what is actually TRUTH is being condemned and "canceled."

I guess it should be no surprise as we know from God's Word that the ruler of this world is the "father of lies."

But it should spur us on to be unafraid in speaking the TRUTH; and to speak it in love.

*This article was first published on

Friday, January 29, 2021

Woke Nightmare: Just as Hitler and Communists Have Used 'Re-education' of the Youth, It's About to Happen Here in the US, Starting With Illinois

 "Illinois is literally about to mandate that every one of its licensed teachers adopt progressive political orthodoxy and impart that ideology to students. The entire Illinois teacher corps will be effectively forced into political re-education and compelled to turn their classes into woke indoctrination sessions." -Stanley Kurtz, senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center

Back in the '80's, wanting to give my children a head start in the very basics of education, and not happy with the liberal-leaning ideology found in public schools of that time, I opted to homeschool for a few years at least. (Image: Pixabay)

But, what is being proposed now makes the education frontier of that time look more like "Little House on the Prairie."

Parents of school-aged children, grandparents and teachers, who appreciate traditional education centered around things kids should actually be learning—such as reading, writing, math and science—must be warned of what is currently being pushed into implementation.

In his January 19th article in the National Review, Stanley Kurtz, who is a senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, sounded the alarm about the new Culturally Responsive Teaching and Leading Standards, or CRTL Standards, being proposed by the Illinois State Board of Education.

"Should the rule be ratified on February 16, the entire Illinois teacher corps will be effectively forced into political re-education and compelled to turn their classes into woke indoctrination sessions," Kurtz wrote. "...the most extraordinary in a raft of outrageous dictates is that teachers must 'embrace and encourage progressive viewpoints and perspectives.' Illinois is literally about to mandate that every one of its licensed teachers adopt progressive political orthodoxy and impart that ideology to students. I've seen some pretty extreme stuff in my time, but my jaw is now officially on the floor."

Kurtz continues, noting that "...Teachers already pressed into the role of de facto leftist community organizers by the 2015 Illinois civics law will soon be liable to negative performance reviews; student, peer, or parent complaints; or even failure of licensure, if they refuse to lead classroom discussions or organize student protests and lobbying expeditions on behalf of leftist causes. Illinois' new Culturally Responsive Teaching and Leading Standards, in combination with the existing Illinois civics law, really do formalize the conversion of K-12 schools into political indoctrination camps."

The compulsory curricula is eerily reminiscent of the way Hitler and various communist leaders (including the current Chinese Communist Party) forced their ideology on the youth of their time, in an effort to brainwash the upcoming generation.

And if you think moving from the Land of Lincoln will preserve your child's freedom to think, Kurtz warns that the "Illinois experience is about to go national," with the result being "'action civics' on the Illinois template in every state in the union."

What can concerned citizens, parents, and teachers do?

Kurtz notes that "serious pushback from the public just might tilt enough votes to block ratification." The authorization of the CRTL standards is due to happen in just a couple weeks, on Feb. 16th.

Zero Hedge article on this chilling, communist-style re-education form explains who will be making this decision:

"All is not yet lost. The final word on the CLTL Standards is up to an obscure Illinois legislative committee known as JCAR, the Joint Committee on Administrative Rules. It will make its final decision on February 16. Opposition to the standards seems to be led by Rep. Stephen Reick (R-Woodstock), a JCAR member. However, JCAR is usually a rubber stamp and it is dominated by Chicago area legislators and others who support the standards. Unless they are overwhelmed by complaints, the standards will take effect. JCAR's members are listed here. Tell them what you think." 

By all means, read in full the articles linked in this commentary, let your voice be heard, and PRAY for the future of America.

Sources: National ReviewZero Hedge

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Sounding the Alarm on the Chilling Revisionist 'History' Being Taught in Public Schools Today

"'The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has been openly celebrating the 1619 Project,' Newman said, because through propaganda, brainwashing, lies, indoctrination, misinformation and disinformation, and psychological warfare, Americans can be convinced to hate their own country and dismantle it from the inside. Then America's economic or military power will no longer pose a threat to the CCP." -Epoch Times article

More terrifying than any horror movie today, is the indoctrination of America's children through propaganda in the public schools; namely false history. (Image: Pixabay-Ernesto Eslava)

Especially as a soon-to-be grandma, when thinking about the prospect of my grandchild being fed a steady diet of re-written, America-hating public school curricula, it turns my stomach.

To what am I referring? Surely, the current curricula couldn't be that bad, could it? Besides, isn't it just in universities that young people encounter ultra-liberal and progressive professors who delight in undermining any conservative values or outlooks their students may have brought with them?

Sadly, as a sobering article by Ella Kietlinska in the Epoch Times points out, this alarming trend of thought is being taught as 'history' in public schools across the nation today.

Kietlinska writes that author and award-winning journalist, Alex Newman warned that the "history taught in public schools is 'a complete and total reversal of reality' and the root cause of the civil unrest sparked by the death of George Floyd in police custody in Minneapolis that has spread across the nation."

Newman cites as an example, the New York Times' "1619 Project" (created by NY Times reporter Nikole Sheri Hannah-Jones), which he said is "essentially fake history, as historians from across the political spectrum—and even The New York Times' own fact-checker—publicly confirmed."

Kietlinska writes in the Epoch Times article:

Despite this criticism, the series, which posits that America was not founded on the basis of liberty in 1776, but on the basis of slavery in 1619, has become school curriculum that is taught across America, Newman said.

According to Hannah-Jones, the notion is that racism and evil are embedded in the very DNA of America, Newman said. Since DNA cannot be changed or removed, "and so what she's really saying—as the mullahs say in Iran—'Death to America.' You've got to kill America to get rid of this horrible DNA," Newman said.

"This could not be more wrong," because America's founding fathers wanted to abolish slavery as it was incompatible with the country's founding principles based on Christian values, Newman said, adding that Thomas Jefferson fought a war against slave catchers in North Africa, and James Madison, the father of the Constitution, "loathed slavery" and expressed this view on many occasions.

Duly noted is the fact that nearly every culture or civilization has included slavery to some extent in its existence throughout history.

According to Kietlinska's report, Newman warned that "one of the most popular history books in the US is Howard Zinn's 'A People's History of the United States' which is a key text in schools and has sold more than 3 million copies."

Another red-flag warning about this propaganda-history teaching should be the fact that China's government is 100 percent for it.

Kietlinska writes:

"The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has been openly celebrating the 1619 Project," Newman said, because through propaganda, brainwashing, lies, indoctrination, misinformation and disinformation, and psychological warfare, Americans can be convinced to hate their own country and dismantle it from the inside. Then America's economic or military power will no longer pose a threat to the CCP.

All of this should be a clarion call to parents, grandparents and all who value truth in history, and especially that of America, to demand that fact-based historical curricula be taught in our public schools.

And if that doesn't happen, parents can pursue charter and private schools, as well as exploring homeschooling as an option.

As Newman pointed out in the Epoch Times report, "The truth, I believe is much more powerful than lies." Click here to read the full article in Epoch Times, by Ella Kietlinska.

*This article first appeared in Breaking Christian News

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

The Truth That Every Life Matters Equally is Just Common Sense

Our skin color should be irrelevant in judging the character of a person.

It almost feels like an episode of the Twilight Zone, where what is simple common sense, and commonly understood by most as good, is now being shamed as evil and ‘racist.' (Image: Unsplash-Aaron Blanco Tejedor)

More specifically, where saying that EVERY person's life is important and matters is seen as a threat and a ‘racist' statement.

Yet, isn't this exactly the premise on which the great Martin Luther King Jr. based his whole mission?

"I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character," he said.

We were created by God with an amazing array of skin colors, just like everything He created; from animals, trees and flowers, even clouds.

This we acknowledge, calling it beautiful, and we're grateful for this variety.

It's the same with each one of us, many different shades, yet ONE human race.

Our skin color should be irrelevant in judging the character of a person. It's not rocket science, folks!

But, because some found it hard to understand, it actually had to be written into the law of our land.

Fourteenth Amendment to the US Constitution, section 1: All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

"All persons," all lives are required by our Constitution to receive equal protection; because ALL lives matter in this country. That is America's law.

Obviously, that hasn't always happened here, and still doesn't at times, as some people's hearts have been darkened by false, evil concepts that one race is better than another.

Elevating one race or ethnicity over another is just plain false, and wrong. It is the definition of racism.

And yet, somehow now, saying that "Black Lives Matter" but not "All Lives Matter" is correct?

That's antithetic to Martin Luther King Jr's entire mission that a person's skin color is irrelevant to judging their character. (Image: MLK via Facebook)

"We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools," he said.

Recently, actor and host of America's Got Talent, Terry Crews—who is black—tweeted this absolutely reasonable statement that makes perfect sense:

"Are all white people bad? No. Are all black people good? No. Knowing this reality, I stand on my decision to unite with good people, no matter the race, creed or ideology..."

Yet in this bizzaro time in which we live, he is now receiving severe backlash because of this statement which basically echoes the 14th Amendment, as well as the heart of Dr. King.

I believe there are still many, the majority in this country even, who believe that every life matters, and that that statement is NOT racist, but actually ANTI-racist, and just common sense. Yet because of the loud and many times violent voices screaming for their definition of "politically correct," this majority keeps silent.

Yes, America has had a very real history of racism against minorities, and especially the black community. We've risen above a lot of it, and yes, there is more work to be done in the direction of eliminating it.

But, you cannot fight racism with MORE racism. You cannot fight hate with more hate. We must fight hate with LOVE and with TRUTH.

Again, Martin Luther King Jr. said it so well:

"The ultimate weakness of violence is that it is a descending spiral,
begetting the very thing it seeks to destroy.
Instead of diminishing evil, it multiplies it.
Through violence you may murder the liar,
but you cannot murder the lie, nor establish the truth.
Through violence you may murder the hater,
but you do not murder hate.
In fact, violence merely increases hate.
So it goes.
Returning violence for violence multiplies violence,
adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars.
Darkness cannot drive out darkness:
only light can do that.
Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that."

People, we cannot remain silent; we must speak the TRUTH in LOVE.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Dear NY Times, Iran's People Are Speaking Out On Soleimani's Death and They Are NOT Mourning the Terrorist!

“Despite the American people’s disagreements with their president, #realDonaldTrump made many Iranians happy. MUCH MORE Iranians than they showed you mourning on news. #TnxPOTUS4Soleimani #IraniansDetestSoleimani”

Aimee Herd-Commentary

Major Mideast events happened this week, as President Trump ordered a military strike that successfully took out notorious Iranian general, Qassem Soleimani—a man who has authored terrorist activities in many countries as well as his own. He is responsible for the killing of hundreds of Americans, in addition to the brutal killing and torture of scores of his own people.

The American news machine—with the exception of a few—continued the biased ‘fake news’ spin prevalent throughout western media, academia and political pundits, this time sinking to a new low by memorializing the terrorist.

Shockingly, a New York Times reporter had the audacity to compare ‘the mourning in Iran over the death of Qassem Soleimani to America’s reaction to the death of Martin Luther King Jr.’, according to a Free Beacon report.

But the PEOPLE of Iran have a much different story.

In a YouTube video currently making the social media rounds, Erica Kasraie, an Iranian-American woman who is also a human rights activist especially regarding the Middle East, explains it this way…

“I feel like we’re living in the Twilight Zone, guys. I’m completely outraged at this notion that the propaganda machine—that is the media—is glorifying Qassem Soleimani.  Do you people know that this man has not only the blood of Americans on his hands, but the blood of Iranians, Iraqis, Yemenis, Afghanis? I mean, since when did we start mourning the death of a terrorist?!”

Erica went on to note that she’d been attacked by people on the left for echoing the sentiment of her people.

“My people are happy,” she continued, “The people in Iran are happy that this man, who is responsible for the slaughter of so many people, is gone … Where was your outrage last month, when the [Iranian] regime slaughtered 1,600 kids for peaceful protest? Where’s your outrage for the thousands of political prisoners that are in Iran right now? … Here’s the deal … for the people on the ground; they don’t hate America. They don’t hate Donald Trump. In fact, there are a lot of trending hashtags right now from Iran on Twitter (saying) ‘Thank you Trump, thank you for (killing) Soleimani’, look for yourself…”

Indeed. I decided to take Erica up on that advice and did check out the Twitter hashtags coming from Iran for myself—she’s absolutely right.

Here are some examples from the hashtag #IraniansDetestSoleimani:

“To Americans who see this tweet: Iranian people are thankful to Trump for ordering Soleimani to be killed. Please do not defend the killer of the Iranian people and other Middle Eastern countries because of your disagreement with Trump. #IraniansDetestSoleimani”

“#Soleimani ordered his men to shoot directly at #IranProtests. The order was to shoot to kill so they aimed for heads & hearts. Over 1500 civilians including children died in order to protect the regime. Families had to pay huge sums to collect bodies. #IraniansDetestSoleimani”

“World should [k]now that Iranian people have no voice and Soleimani’s funeral is just a propaganda. Iran has 80 million population. 79million didn’t attend the ceremony because they don’t and won’t forget 1500 innocent protesters murdered by the regime. #IraniansDetestSoleimani”

“Despite the American people’s disagreements with their president, #realDonaldTrump made many Iranians happy. MUCH MORE Iranians than they showed you mourning on news. #TnxPOTUS4Soleimani #IraniansDetestSoleimani”

As if the voices of the people of Iran are not enough, Faithwire’s managing editor, Dan Andros recently shared his experience while on assignment reporting from Iraq in 2015. While there he encountered a family who had been tortured by Shia militias (under the direction of Soleimani).

Dan explained:

“I met the family ... at an IDP camp outside of Erbil, Iraq. The father explained their desperate situation, homeless because of the latest ISIS reign of terror.

“His body was severely burned, his son lay silent on the cot in the tent. When we asked about these things, he explained how Iranian Shia militias had killed his wife, tortured him and his children, including his young boy. The militias, who would have been under the control of Qassem Soleimani, proceeded to drill holes in the boy’s legs as a means to further threaten the father.

“The boy stared silently at the ceiling, seemingly void of all emotion. Dad explained that he still has nightmares daily, and often soiled himself because of them.”

This is the brand of terror brought to so many at the hands of Qassem Soleimani.

It is an extreme affront to even remotely compare Soleimani to Martin Luther King Jr—they were complete opposites; as darkness is to light.

In fact, MLK said, “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”

But Soleimani was darkness and hate personified.

At the closing of Erica’s video message, she said, “I’m probably going to lose a lot of friends for saying this, but… Thank you Mr. Trump for making a very hard decision, and for having the moral courage to do something that probably a lot of world leaders wouldn’t have had.”

Please be praying for the people of Iran, that their voices and desperate cries for freedom will be heard, and the oppressive and deadly Iranian regime will end for the good of their country.